Our Commitment to
Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We have an evolving understanding of te ao Māori and a strong commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Through our network of trusted partners, we support our clients’ obligations and aspirations by applying Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of Tino Rangatiratanga, Partnership, Active Protection, Active Participation, Equity and Options, in developing and delivering our leadership experiences.

Our preferred approach is to co-design and deliver in partnership with Māori, to achieve desired goals and aspirations. Through our discovery and co-design process with clients, we seek to:

  • Deeply understand your context and Māori aspirations, including the impacts of your mahi for whānau Māori and communities. 

  • Map the shifts you need leaders and the organisation to make to apply the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

  • Identify existing mahi already underway and any opportunities that we could leverage to support this mahi.

  • Identify potential challenges, tensions or risks and consider together how we might manage and mitigate these.

  • Identify the key internal kaimahi that we need to work with and agree on our governance approach, including who from our CVL whānau and trusted advisors should support this mahi.

  • Explore how we lift leaders’ capability and confidence through programme design and delivery. Identify the mindsets, korero and actions required by leaders to support the achievement of Māori aspirations.

  • Understand any equity issues that might impact programme selection, design or delivery.

  • Develop appropriate options to ensure we deliver desired outcomes and effective participation.

  • Agree on feedback and evaluation processes that will enable us to monitor and report progress, to ensure delivery experiences that are culturally appropriate and that we adapt where we need to.

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket, and my food basket,
the people will thrive

Image captured at sunrise, day two of CVL marae-based wānanga , Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa Marae

“CVL created a safe space for us to explore te ao Māori and to consider an approach to leadership through an indigenous lens.”

”I said my pepeha out loud for the first time ever. I now realise the way I lead and role model this mahi, is more important than I could ever have imagined.”

CVL and AU Consulting marae-based wānanga , Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa Marae

Let’s Kōrero

If you want to design a leadership experience with a foundation in te ao Māori, we’d love to have a kōrero and learn more about your aspirations. You can connect with our team here.