
Angela Butt

Senior Consultant | Manaaki Champion (she/her)
Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland
(Ngāti Whakaue and Tainui)
Mediation and conflict resolution, Certificate in Adult Education

Helping people thrive with kindness, courage and connection

What’s important to know about me?

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Te Arawa te waka, Ko Ngongotahā te maunga, Ko Utuhina te awa, Ko Te Arawa,

Ko Tainui ngā iwi, Ko Ngāti Whakaue, ko Ngāti Hauā ngā hapū, Ko Tūnohopū, Ko Rukumoana te marae, Ko Mākere tōku māmā, Ko Keith tōku pāpā, Ko Maggie, Ko Jon āku Tamariki, Ko Angela Butt toku ingoa

Tēnā tātou katoa

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

Care for people and place matter most to me. I am deeply passionate about mahi that supports equity and inclusion and improves outcomes for whānau and community.

I love working strategically and thrive learning about organisations and their people. I am driven to understand their aspirations and struggles and happiest co-designing how we improve things. I keep things real and focused on achieving outcomes that matter most.

Being in service has driven my career working across a broad range of industries. I have held Senior leadership roles in strategy and organisational development, people and culture, change management, sales, marketing and communications, community/industry engagement.  

With two beautiful children, three dogs and a large, connected whanau, I’m often moving at pace - so when space is needed, you’ll find me kayaking the Weiti river or in my garden.

Am I the right fit for you?

As a coach I excel working with leaders to help them navigate the tough stuff, and to create a deliberate approach in how they want to show up. 

As a facilitator I’ll encourage you to step into the conversations you need to have as a team or group. Manaaki is at my core, and I create respectful and inclusive spaces that allow the challenges in the room to be safely surfaced.  

Future thinking, workplace complexity, and leadership development through a Te Ao Māori lens are areas of passion for me. This work brings to life my experience across strategy, culture and leadership development.

Recent projects that I’ve loved include:

  • Eke Panuku E Tu Hautu Leadership Programme

  • Kāinga Ora Commercial Group team development

  • New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Leaders 4 Impact programme

Email, or stay connected via LinkedIn.